02 May 2011

two hands.

when even the busiest bee
knows to take a break
and take a breath.

when the shark
breaks with tradition
and passes the
with a passing

where the dancers
don't move,
and aren't asked
to move a

when the lion
forgets to roar,
and forgets to care.
what is it changing anyway?

in that place where the animals
can't smell the fear anymore,
and they aren't smelling
for it to begin with.

that's where i am.

where the elephant
isn't craving peanuts
or worrying about
the mice at
his feet.

when the sailors
forget their boats,
strip bare,
and simply go
for a swim.

where the ants
stop making piles
and stop carrying
forget the queen
and her orders.

this is where i can be found.

where the neon lights,
they just don't glow as
and they don't
catch the eye
of a single

when the plants
stop growing,
and stop circulating

hello, gravity.

where the boy comes
to a crossroads
and decides that
to pick one way
or the other
would just be
giving up
and giving in,
so he opts
to sit at the
fork and

this is life.
we are not the same.

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